Friday, January 7, 2011

Ravenholdt EU - basic information.

If you are already on Ravenholdt, don't read this post because you gonna die from boredom (or, which is more possible, you will incinerate me for writing so much heresy)!

Ravenholdt is a RP-PVP realm, which means:

1) people don't just play their characters for achieving some goals, but also try to act as their characters should (it's so called roleplay). You don't need to roleplay all the time, but you must follow RP policy so you don't disturb other players in roleplaying. The policy includes character naming, proper using of some channels (as /say, /yell, etc.) and some other rules, but there isn't any nightmare and the rules are easy to follow.

Roleplay booster!
When you roleplay, you talk as your character should talk (so - after a duel - don't say: "OMFG I owned u!!!", but "It was a great challenge to duel against you, sir!" or "Leave your weapon and go back to your farm, because you fail as a soldier of Stormwind, you dirty rat!"). You also participate in 'stories' and interact with other player's characters in many ways as exploring the world together, investigating some secrets in places which don't seem to be interesting for hardcore players, but can be great for roleplayers, etc. (ohh yes, and also cyber sex!).

Tavern - here most of adventures begin!
Roleplaying is really funny and can be a great break from daily pve/pvp routines. Some people whine that in Ravenholdt roleplay is dying, but they aren't right (read: they are freakin noobz). There are of course more active RP realms, but you can find it on this realm too.

Gonna write more about that later (maybe).

2) this is PVP realm so you risk to be attacked by enemy faction all the time if you enter the world (outside of friendly capital cities and nearby zones). As a gnome I'm a bit nervous and I don't like when members of other faction are running around (because they can pwn me badly) so I attack them first before they do. Then they ask nearby friends for help and the the battle escalates (or they just corpsecamp me a bit). Occasionally I receive "friendly" backstab when I don't expect it at all. If you like large dose of adrenaline and more real alliance-horde behaviour, pvp realms are for you! Bad thing is that last years Blizzard does everything to reduce world ganking and there isn't much difference between pve and pvp realms when you hit 85 and just queue for pve/pvp from the city, but our realm has something really worth an effort coming here: active world pvp.

World pvp on Ravenholdt.

You can expect a lot of ganking and skirmishes between Alliance and Horde around the world. While most of players try to avoid it, there are guilds focused on killing members of opposing faction outside of battlegrounds and arena. You can expect many attacks on capital cities as well. From time to time wpvp focused guilds organise server events - usually large battles with some extra objectives in some nice but forgotten places as Arathi Highlands, Hearthglen, etc.

Ravenholdt's population isn't high, many players know each other. It's quite friendly atmosphere here (no, seriously!). Ravenholdt's official forums need a special note as a famous place of many whines, drama and trolling, but if you don't take it personally you will laugh a lot! Because of that the second (unofficial) name of this realm is Dramaholdt, but most of the players who left it (to join their friends or professional pve guilds/arena teams on another realm) usually go back here or keep an alt here at least.

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