Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Classic Raids by Dark Saints - part 1

Duty calls.

It was a beautiful day and I hunted down some Hordies (ok, it was raining and they hunted me, but what a difference?!). Then an owl appeared with a letter from Zoogi. "Move your ass to Karazhan! Now! Take your imp! We need you! Zoogi" - I found in that letter. Did I have any choice? No, of course! I used a whistle to call my gryphon and flew to the tower of Medivh.

I found Zoogi and other of my guildies inside of Karazhan's library. They explained me that the King of Stormwind had sent them with important mission to recover information about Blackrock Mountain. They found a book, but it was protected by some demon spells, so they asked me to break them. Piece of cake! So much time wasted for a single stupid book?! 

After receiving a book, we ran upstairs to reach gryphons on top of the tower. But then a ghost (a memory) of Medivh apperared and didn't allow us to pass unless we beat him in a chess game! There are many of "memories" in this damned tower - spectres trapped in time and space and bounded to the Karazhan - but this one was really irritating! So we decided to give him a hard lesson! The ghost tried to cheat, but we won a game and were allowed to go on top of the tower and fly to Stormwind.

King Varian Wrynn has read the book and gave us another quest: killing the black dragon Nefarian in Blackrock. I haven't expected it gonna be so curious day! We prepared for fight and moved to Blackrock Mountain...

Blackrock Mountain.

What a bunch of imbeciles! They ran into Blackrock dungeons and left me behind! Now I'm aloooone! Nah, I'm  not scared, just confused! Where the hell am I?! That retard Zoogi taken the only map we got! Nevermind, I gonna use my excellent gnomish intuition to find these damn nabs so I can punish them!

Already passed few rooms - some bodies were spreaded around, so (propably) the rest (that worse rest) of my team was here. It's a good sign, maybe I'll catch them. There are some strange objects in this room, loads of them! Some orbs, rather made from "living" materials. Gonna take a sample for my researches... ohh crap! It started to shake!

Not good, these orbs were the dragon eggs! Now loads of freshly hatched dragon whelps think I'm their mother and they run into meeee!!!

Few minutes and many Seeds of Corruption later...

These labyrinths are endless... Who built them?! I heard it's a work of one of old Orc clans - the Blackrock clan - but these dumb greenskins aren't so clever to build so huuuge structure. And what all these dragonkins do in this area? Not to mention about big dwarven city in this mountain... So many unanswered questions... 

Another rooms and more dead guards! It's starts to be boring, really... Wait! I'm sure I hear some noises! Yay!

Yesss! I found them! Bad thing is that I also found a big dragon attacking my team! Maybe I should allow the wyrm to eat Zoogi? Nooo, he can be more useful alive. Ok, I gonna help these idiots!

Dragon is dead! What a wonderful fight it was! Morphet taunted the drake ("Hey, you little, poor lizard! Even my farts are hotter than your breath!") so I had a clear line to cast my curses. One dragon less and one vial of dragon's blood more for my collection.

More dragons and more fights...

After some more encounters (which finished in bad way for dragons) we found Nefarian. Morphet didn't wait for any miracle and instead he immediately attacked the dragon. Again, he taunted the beast ("Hey Neffy! I slept with your sister Onyxia!") so we could focus on casting spells. Fight wasn't easy this time, but there is nothing impossible to beat with some curses and corruption.

After killing Nefarian, we took his head and brought it to King Varian, who gave us another quest in far realms of Ahn'Qirai...

To be Continued...

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