Sunday, January 2, 2011

New year, fresh blood!

Yesterday was the first day of the year. But we didn't celebrate it in ruined taverns drinking beer and listening to boring stories - we celebrated it on battlefield, drinking blood of our enemies and listening to storm of swords! Tol Barad Peninsula turned into more fierce battleground than Tol Barad itself!

We enjoyed these fights so much that we didn't finish our dailys in this area! Any attempt to make a quest group and do dailys finished in the same way: more battles.

After this massacre we organised a raid and attacked Orgrimmar. However someone (Zoogi) had a "great" idea to assault Orgri by so called divebomb. We entered Orgrimmar through rear gate on flying mounts, then we flew into trade district (or whathever is it called) pulling all Orgrimmar Air Forces and most of Ground patrols. It finished in a spectacular... wipe. We were like kamikaze warriors who forgot to bring explosives with them. Epic fail (Zoogi, you own me 70g for repairs)! But still... it was quite funny.

After quick recovery we regrouped on one of the roofs and prepared for another assault.

Second strike was directed into goblin district in Orgri. We didn't expect how brutal battle waits for us here. Parashade went into Valhalla as the first one but the rest of us survived quite long and we killed few hordies.

This was our second Orgri raid in Cataclysm and was quite funny, however I don't mind to use flying mount in enemy capital city anymore! Nevurrrr! Or maybe if I could take Parashade as my passenger...

Still... our first Cata Orgri raid was much more successfull! We even got an achievement:

City Attacker: 14. december 2010 - Orgrimmar Raid.

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